Vocal selections from Hair

MacDermot, Galt

Vocal selections from Hair [Música impresa] / words by James Rado and Gerome Ragni ; music by Galt MacDermot - Van Nuys, CA : Alfred Publishing Co., [2005?], c1979 - 1 partitura (80 p.) : il. (algunes col.), retrats; 31 cm

Arranjament per veu i piano, inclou símbols pel cor Títol agafat de la coberta Inclou notes dels artistes i de com es va fer la pel·lícula

Aquarius -- Donna -- Hashish -- Manchester England -- Abie Baby/Fourscore -- I'm Black/Ain't got no -- Air -- Party music -- I got life -- Frank Mills -- Hair -- Electric blues/Old fashioned melody -- Where do I go? -- Black boys -- White boys -- Walking in space -- Easy to be hard -- Good morning starshine -- 3-5-0-0 -- What a piece of work is man -- Somebody to love -- Let the sunshine in.

0898986257 9780898986259

Alfred Publishing Co. TSF0018


Musicals--Reduccions per a cant i piano


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