Artistic interdisciplinarity and La Fura dels Baus 1979-1989 /

Villar de Queiroz, Fernando Antonio Pinheiro

Artistic interdisciplinarity and La Fura dels Baus 1979-1989 / Fernando Antonio Pinheiro Villar de Queiroz - 334 pàgines

Cronologia a l'appèndix

Tesi doctoral - Queen Mary College, University of London, 2001

Referències bibliogràfiques, pàgines 316-336

This thesis aims to explore questions of artistic interdisciplinarity through a study of the Catalan theatre company La Fura dels Baus's practice in the period from 1979 to 1989. This study sees artistic interdisciplinarity and La Fura as prominent aspects of contemporary theatre,which have received little critical attention in theatre studies. The general introduction attempts to define a conceptual and contextual framework for this thesis. Chapter 1 examines `artistic interdisciplinarity' as a significant conceptual instrument for this study. Chapter 2 investigates some instances of artistically interdisciplinary practice before and after performance art. Chapter 3 takes a general look at what constitutes the wider social and aesthetic context within which La Fura had its inception. Chapter 4 focuses on the group's early productions in Catalonia from 1979 to 1983, a period often neglected by scholars writing on the company's work. Chapter 5 presents Accions (1983-87),S u o/Suz (1985-91) and TierMon (1988- 90). These three productions comprise the features of the lenguaje furero. Chapter 6,7 and 8 examine these features, La Fura's manipulation of scenic threads such as space, time, sound, image, body and movement as well as the interdisciplinary exchanges with different arts. Chapter 8 also looks at the relations among La Fura's productions and questions of national and aesthetic identities in Catalonia and Spain. The final unit presents the conclusions of this thesis. Through a cross-disciplinary methodology, this thesis has the double ambition of stimulating further debates and actions in re-mapping theatrical language as well as connecting ideas about both main objects of study to an understanding of the art of theatre and its environments at the end of the twentieth century.--EThOS

Fura dels Baus (Grup de teatre)--Crítica i interpretació

Interdisciplinarietat en les arts de l'espectacle

Tesis i dissertacions electròniques

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