Godey costume plates in color for decoupage and framing /

Rawlings, Eleanor Hasbrouck

Godey costume plates in color for decoupage and framing / Selected and with instructions by Eleanor Hasbrouck Rawlings - New York : Dover, 1979 - iv, 24 f. de làm., v-viii ; 28 cm

Selecció de làmines a color de Godey's lady's book, 1848-1880

Bibliografia: p. vii

"Godey's Lady's Book (1830--1898) was an American woman's magazine that reflected the manners and morals of the day. Among other things, it brought its 19th-century readers a monthly installment of the latest Parisian fashions. Exquisite, hand-colored engravings depicted women modeling designer gowns, dresses, bonnets, capes, muffs, and accessories - "les modes Parisiennes." The author personally selected the most striking Godey plates from the years 1841 to 1888 -a gallery of 24 full-color plates that reflect the insouciance, charm, and style of 19th-century haute couture. The book shows craftsworkers how to use these fine reproductions of authentic period fashions for découpage. Découpeurs can decorate boxes, trays, furniture, lamps, bookends, vases, and countless other items with these lovely renderings and be assured their work will last for years. Eight pages of step-by-step instructions teach you the art of découpage on wood, under glass, and using acrylics: materials, sealing, painting, gluing, varnishing, and sanding - everything you need to know to beautify wood, metal, ceramics, and glass. Craftsworkers, fashion designers, costume enthusiasts, and graphic artists will welcome this collection of copyright-free vintage designs for their antique flavor, artistic craftsmanship, and for the formal grace of pose and composition that evokes a bygone era."-- syndetics.com



Indumentària--Història--S. XIX
Retallables (Art)
Roba de vestir de dona--França--París--S. XIX

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