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  • Kathakali

Kathakali (Terme temàtic)

Preferred form: Kathakali
See also:

Courtney, D. Nritya - Indian classical dance Web site, Aug. 14, 2007: Kathakali of Kerala (Kathakali is the most well known dance drama from the south Indian state of Kerala. The word Kathakali literally means "Story-Play". It is known for its large, elaborate makeup and costumes)

Kathakali - classical dance drama of Kerala, India Web site, Aug. 14, 2007 (Kathakali is the classical dance-drama of Kerala, South India, which dates from the 17th century and is rooted in Hindu mythology. Kathakali has a unique combination of literature, music, painting, acting and dance)

Wikipedia, Aug. 14, 2007 (Kathakali is a form of Indian dance-drama. It originated in the Indian state of Kerala during the 17th century; Kathakali has traditionally been performed in Hindu temples, but nowadays it may also be seen in theatres; considered to be a combination of five elements of fine art: Expressions, Dance, Enactment, Song/vocal accompaniment, Instrument accompaniment)


GEC en línia (kathakali: Forma de teatre indi sorgida cap al s XVII a Kerala. Es tracta d'una dansa dramàtica, d'origen aristocràtic, sobre temes mitològics i d'esperit religiós, en què els actors s'expressen únicament a través dels moviments, particularment els gestos de les mans o mudres, i de vegades a través de sons estilitzats de fúria, sorpresa o por)

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