Willson, Meredith

The Music man a musical comedy / [Música impresa] : book, music and lyrics by Meredith Willson ; story by Meredith Willson and Franklin Lacey - [S.l.] : London : MPL Communications ; Musical Sales, cop. 1982 - 29 reduccions de cant i piano (175 p.)

P24: D12, H12 i altres Mencions de responsabilitat de la representació realitzada en el Majestic Theatre de Nova York el 1957-12-19

Conté: Overture; Train opening; Rock Island; Iowa stubborn; Ya got trouble; Walking music; Piano lesson and if you don't mind my saying so; Goodnight, my someone; Columbia, The Gem of the ocean; Seventy six trombones; Sincere; The Sadder but wiser girl; Pick-a-little, talk-a-little and goodnight ladies; Marian the librarian; My white knight; The Wells fargo wagon; Entr'acte; Eulalie's ballet; It's you; Shipoopi; Lida Rose and will I ever tell you?; Gary, Indiana; It's you ballet; Till there was you; Ice cream sociable; Chase music; Minuet in G; Curtain call music; Exit music


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