Loesser, Frank

Frank Loesser's musical, The most happy fella (complete) original Broadway cast [Enregistrament sonor] : - New York : Sony Broadway/Sony Classical, [1991] - 2 discs sonors (CD) (134 min) : digital + 1 llibret (105 p.)

Conté: Overture -- Ooh! my feet! -- Somebody, somewhere -- The most happy fella -- Standing on the corner -- Joey, Joey, Joey -- Rosabella -- Abbondanza -- Sposalizio -- Benvenuta -- Don't cry -- Fresno beauties -- Happy to make your acquaintance -- Big D -- How beautiful the days -- Young people -- Warm all over -- I like everybody -- My heart is so full of you -- Mamma, mamma -- Song of a summer night -- Please let me tell you

Robert Weede, Jo Sullivan, Art Lund, Susan Johnson, Shorty Long, Mona Paulee; director de cor i orquestra, Herbert Greene

Enregistrat al 30th Street Studio (Nova York), el 13/14/20-05-1956


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